Chiropractic Treatments Include
Rehabilitative Exercises
Physical Therapy Modalities
Chiropractic adjustment is a procedure in which trained specialists (chiropractors) use their hands or a small instrument to apply a controlled, sudden force to a spinal joint. The goal of chiropractic adjustment, also known as spinal manipulation, is to correct structural alignment and improve your body's physical function.
Stretches and strengthening are an important part of any treatment protocol. After proper joint motion has been restored and fascial scarring/adhesions have been treated the patient can now work on strengthening his or her areas of dysfunction. Dr. Foote will provide you with specific exercises that can easily be performed at home. Routinely performing these exercises will decrease the likelihood of your condition returning.
A modality is a type of electrical, thermal or mechanical energy that causes physiological changes.
It is used to relieve pain, improve circulation, decrease swelling, reduce muscle spasm, and deliver medication in conjunction with other procedures. Typical types of modalities include electrical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, heat, ice, and traction.
Ultrasound (US)
High frequency sound waves that produce a form of deep tissue heating
For relief of pain and muscle spasm
Promotes circulation
Relaxes tight muscles/soft tissue – prepares tissues for stretching
Electrical Stimulation
Use of different forms of electrical current through surface electrodes that cause muscles to contract and relax
For relief of muscle spasm, pain and swelling
For muscle re-education and strengthening
A longitudinal pull or distraction of spinal segments for the relief of nerve irritation (radicultis) or muscle spasm by use of a machine on the cervical (neck) spine with the use of a neck halter or lumbar (low back) spine with the use of a pelvic belt attached to a patient lying down
Can also be done manually
Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulation (TENS):
Use of low voltage electrical current through surface electrodes that overrides the sensation of pain
Small unit (slightly larger than a beeper) worn throughout the day for pain control that the patient can apply a needed
Moist Heat (Hydrocollator)
Produces a deeper heat than a dry heating pad
Increases circulation, reduces swelling, relaxes muscles/soft tissue, prepares tissue for other treatments
Use of “ice packs” or “ice massage” in acute injuries and for pain relief (acute or chronic)
Reduces swelling, inflammation, muscles spasm
Much like the chiropractic adjustment, the goal of joint mobilization is to relieve pain, restore joint motion and improve overall function. However, unlike the adjustment, mobilizations are slow and gentle movements which take the joint or body part to end-range in oscillating motions
Chiropractic Adjustment
Joint Mobilization
Massage Therapy & Trigger Point Therapy
Massage therapy is the scientific manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, consisting primarily of manual (hands-on) techniques such as applying fixed or movable pressure, holding, and moving muscles and body tissues.
Generally, massage is delivered to improve the flow of blood and lymph (fluid in lymph glands, part of immune system), to reduce muscular tension or flaccidity, to affect the nervous system through stimulation or sedation, and to enhance tissue healing.
NRCT Neurologic Relief Center Technique
The Neurologic Relief Centers Technique, bases its premise that there is pressure to the upper cervical spine causing an uncontrolled firing of the nervous system.
The aim of our technique is simply to reduce the CSF pressure and/or meningeal compression that causes the symptoms of neurologic disorders.
The uncontrolled firing of the nervous system does not always come about from the same misalignment in every person. This results in different manifestations in different individuals, who understandably must be treated accordingly.
Our procedure involves relieving the meningeal compression. It is a series of techniques that are applied at the appropriate times. Some of these are modifications of standard techniques and some we have developed.